My friend is in a monogamous marriage but says things that make me think she might be interested in sex with me

I have a bisexual friend who hasn't had much experience with women. She is married and mono. I have a thing for her and she does for me too. I don't know if I should tell her my feelings. She knows I'm Poly (I'm not looking rn and I have a mono partner). She's expressed her interest in new things, and a sort of disappointment about never really being with a woman. (She loves her man but worries he hasn't had enough experiences...which to me sounds like projection but ok.) I really like her but I don't wanna ruin our relationship or her marriage (I don't want her to cheat..but I don't want her man to freak out about the whole thing if she wants to date me.) She may have to move far away this coming year. What should I do?

Nothing. You should do nothing. She is in a monogamous marriage. It is not cool to pursue someone romantically or sexually who is in a monogamous marriage.

When she talks to you about her concerns and feelings, be a supportive friend, ask broad questions, give generic advice. It’s possible she has no interest in exploring sex or relationships outside her marriage and just wants to chat about her bisexuality with someone who she thinks will “get it.” Or, she could be interested in learning more about polyamory or her options for being with a woman. You can try asking some questions to help her figure out whether she’s just idly venting or trying to strategize around big life choices. You can point her to resources on bisexuality and polyamory.

But this is not an invitation for you to personally provide her with an opportunity to try extramarital sex or sex with a woman. And even if it was, it’s not an invitation you should take. She has a lot to figure out, and it’s not your place to take any action on this.